Exploring the Elphinstone Forest…

..is an exceptional experience. This unspoiled forest is part of the Pacific Coast Mountains, an ecosystem that holds more carbon than any other on the planet. When we go hiking here we find no crowds, no biting insects, no poisonous plants or snakes, and no time of the year when the trails are inaccessible. And the paths here are not the wide, gravel-filled promenades and elaborate boardwalks we see in popular parks. These are mostly narrow, low impact ones that leave their surroundings as undisturbed as possible. As we meander through the ferny groves, mossy carpets, and root-tangled ridges, we have the sense of being immersed in the natural world rather than being ushered through it.


Our Spring 2025 hikes schedule is now posted on our Hikes Calendar page. Check it out!

Also, I’m attaching for your interest a link to a new video by Ross Muirhead, which shows the potentially negative impact of recent logging road construction above Roberts Creek.

See you on the trails!


The Elphinstone Hiking Group (EHG) is most grateful to Ross Muirhead and his team at Elphinstone Logging Focus (loggingfocus.org) for creating and maintaining many of our spectacular hiking trails and for tirelessly advocating for protection of the Elphinstone Forest.

We also would like to thank livingforestinstitute.ca for its kind encouragement and support during the creation of our group. And of course, thanks to all our Elphinstone hikers for their constant inspiration and enthusiasm.

Also, we want to acknowledge that these forests are the aboriginal homeland of the Shíshálh and skwxwú7mesh peoples and have been since time immemorial.